True worldwide coverage
We collect model-level data on 60+ countries, sum it by country, sub-region, and region, and roll it up to the world in a single file, assuring completeness and correctness and offering a total picture of the market as a foundation for good decision-making.
Comprehensive SQL database of market data, specifications, and news articles
We maintain the largest and most detailed database of its type, enabling more thorough analysis and allowing more types of custom queries to be given specific, actionable answers rapidly.
Technology-savvy underpinning of forecasts
We constantly update the industry-wide technology roadmap upon which we build our forecasts, making our forecasts more accurate and thus more valuable as a basis for planning future products and setting realistic sales expectations.
Consistent research methodology
We use the same techniques, question wording, datasheet formats, etc. making results comparable among product categories, end markets, and over time, so that they are easily understood and applied.
Consistent content and format of deliverables
We summarize like data for different product categories or end markets in the same simple format, making them easy to access and use as the basis for decision-making.